czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2011

BK Contemporary 29 Art Brussels Newsletter

Dear collectors and art lovers,

BK Contemporary Showroom presenting on the 29 Art Brussles Fairs selected artwoks of the emerging pop art star Małgosia Malinowska (1984) with Postcards cycle and fresh abstract serigraphics of Gagarin (1983). Search for us on VIP area, open space, or contact directly for personal preview by phone: +48 792 284 090 or


Yuriy Stetsyk

Małgosia Malinowska

Visual pop art artist. Born in 1984, originally from Poland. Warsaw School of FIne Arts graduated. Works in private collections in Belgium, Luxemburg, UK, Italy and Poland.

The most prominent polish pop art representant studied on scholarship in Milan, Italy (2006) which make a big influence on her painting manner for the next years after.


Born in 1983 Originally from Ukraine, based in Poland globally operated contemporary visual artist. Gagarin operates with Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art technique.

Gagarin main theme of artworks is Space. Space oil on canvas cycle as tempera on paper new line inspired by childhood fascination of the artist from the space maps and manuals. Also influenced by the Hubble Telescope pictures, but interpreted in a different intuitive and abstract way.

Venus in UV

Space cycle (2011) by Gagarin consisting of 21 artworks. 7 different size triptychs. Venus born from combining and reidentifying 2 pictures of the planet - the big scale and precise scale in UV made along 2000 years by Hubble Telescope.


Pluto is the patron of artist horoscope Scorpion zodiac sign. That has a special sense and emotional background for Gagarin from all planets artworks. It was also reinterpreted combining 2 different science photos made by Hubble Telescope.

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