Wernisaż/Opening: 30.09.2011, 20.00
Wystawa/Exhibition: 1.10.2011 - 1.11.2011
Twórczość Zuzanny Soińskiej to malarstwo pełne inwencji i wrażliwości, którego oryginalna formuła abstrakcji zrodziła się z obserwacji pejzażu pozbawionego ludzkiej obecności. Dla artystki ważne są dla przede wszystkim wartości czysto malarskie - kolor, faktura, światło. Prezentowane obrazy przemieniają bierną materię plastyczną w pulsujący życiem organizm. Jest w tym coś z pierwotnego procesu rozniecania ognia, kiedy z dwu zimnych, martwych polan drzewa zaczyna tryskać iskra, powstawał żywioł.. Malarstwo Zuzanny Soińskiej wpisuje się w światowy poziom sztuki współczesnej. Jest ciekawe dla kolekcjonerów oraz tych, którzy ze sztuką spotykają się po raz pierwszy.
Kurator: Tatiana Rasała
Kurator: Tatiana Rasała
Zuzanna Soińska graduated with honors from the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Thanks to the experience she gathered during her studies, internships and from the conferences worldwide from Australia to U.S.A. her work has the exceptional taste of multicultural breeze. After graduating, she was an intern at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, (University of Cambridge, UK) which is one of the world's leading centers for teaching and research in the conservation of easel paintings. She also gained her experience among other places in Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste in Dresden, Getty's Conservation Institute in L.A. and National Museum in Warsaw. Zuzanna is a paintings conservator, painter, gilder and copyist. Being a conservator and painter at the same time gives her a unique perspective on the subject of creation. Thanks to the years spent on analyzing the old Masters techniques and technologies, she is fully aware of the significance of the dedication that every work of art requires during creation and combines it with fresh expression and light form. In her work she merges the oil painting with gilding techniques acquiring either ephemeral and fragile forms dancing on the gilded areas or dynamic and powerful shapes seizing the space formed on the painting. The balance of light and shadow on the half glossy half mat surface provide the viewer with additional depth to look into, feel and interprate.
While working as an art conservator Zuzanna is often in very close relations with the works of some of the most known artists. This experience is constantly inspiring her to improve her own style and search for new ways to express herself. She spent some time at Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste in Dresden in Germany. After graduating, she was an intern at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge in Great Britain, which is one of the world's leading centers for teaching and research in the conservation of easel paintings. She also practiced in many conservation departments, for example at the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa or Memory Place Museum in Auschwitz-Birkenau. She took clasess from techniques and technology of painting, by copying the Paintings of the Masters in National Museum in Warsaw. She has significant experience in conservation and many completed works including ‘Apollo (or Hymen) crowning a Poet and giving him a Spouse’ by Jacopo Tintoretto among her accomplishment.
All her experience as an art conservator helped her to create her own painting technique, combined of gilding and oil painting. In her abstract forms she express the essence of her message at the same time leaving wide field for viewers own interpretation.
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